Sunday, January 21, 2007

Five Things About Me

Tagged by Charles, I will meme.

Five things about me.

1) I have webbed toes. 2 and 3, to the last joint out. It's a dominant trait in my mother's family, and I will admit that one of the first things I did when each of my sons was born was to check and see if he had webbed toes.

2)I do not eat white sauces. I think I had bad mayonnaise at four or something, but it is a powerful, irrational food aversion. No mayonnaise. No tartar sauce. No cream or yogurt based salad dressings. Now, I can eat veloute sauces and white gravies fine. Apparently my brain tags them as something different.

3) I managed to get pregnant seven times in six years. My tubes, thank all the gods, are now tied.

4) Unlike most Americans, I have a pell and a forge in my back yard.

5) I can read the average mystery novel in forty minutes. But if I do it too often in a row I come out the other end a bit drunk and need to do something else for a while to get my head back in order.


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