Playing Musical Doctors
Well, yesterday I went to see the neurologist.
I was not in the best of humors. Part of it is that since my husband is on second shift, I tend to get up late, and go to bed late...keeping his schedule. The appointment caused me to get up about two hours earlier than normal. There was much grumbling. I think part of it also was worrying that he would decide that I had something that was within his specialty, and, as most things neurologists deal with aren't actually curable...yeah. Not exactly a reassuring thought.
And I'm afraid I have a bit of a chip on my shoulder towards doctors. I'm convinced, though I'm not sure why, that they will be rude to me, treat me like a small grubby child, and decide that I'm making up my symptoms and there's nothing wrong. And, of course, often they ARE rude, and being that I'm female I've had my share of being patted on the head and my feelings on the matter treated as hysteria. But no one's ever told me I was making it up. They've often, however, said, "Something's wrong here, but I don't know what."
That was rather the case with this visit. He was very nice to me, though.
Whatever is going wrong with me is NOT neurological in nature. Which is a relief. But neither is it classic Meniere's syndrome. He thinks it is something vestibular, but, as he said, that's not his thing. So I have a reference to an ENT at the beginning of December. I may have to move it up, as the ear is getting rather worse, and that' s not a good sign.
To give you an idea, when this started I could skip the nighttime pill and just go to sleep. I'm up at three am with my ear feeling like I have an ear infection and if it would just pop....(sigh)
This does not bode well for my hearing on that side.
I was not in the best of humors. Part of it is that since my husband is on second shift, I tend to get up late, and go to bed late...keeping his schedule. The appointment caused me to get up about two hours earlier than normal. There was much grumbling. I think part of it also was worrying that he would decide that I had something that was within his specialty, and, as most things neurologists deal with aren't actually curable...yeah. Not exactly a reassuring thought.
And I'm afraid I have a bit of a chip on my shoulder towards doctors. I'm convinced, though I'm not sure why, that they will be rude to me, treat me like a small grubby child, and decide that I'm making up my symptoms and there's nothing wrong. And, of course, often they ARE rude, and being that I'm female I've had my share of being patted on the head and my feelings on the matter treated as hysteria. But no one's ever told me I was making it up. They've often, however, said, "Something's wrong here, but I don't know what."
That was rather the case with this visit. He was very nice to me, though.
Whatever is going wrong with me is NOT neurological in nature. Which is a relief. But neither is it classic Meniere's syndrome. He thinks it is something vestibular, but, as he said, that's not his thing. So I have a reference to an ENT at the beginning of December. I may have to move it up, as the ear is getting rather worse, and that' s not a good sign.
To give you an idea, when this started I could skip the nighttime pill and just go to sleep. I'm up at three am with my ear feeling like I have an ear infection and if it would just pop....(sigh)
This does not bode well for my hearing on that side.
Hi Alexandra, thanks for visiting my blog. Other bloggers with dizzy problems are gimpy mumpy and sally's life, if you want to check them out as well.
I hope the ENT guy comes up with some answers.
Referring to a previous post here, do you really wash your cats???
Yes, I really do on occasion wash my cats. Not often, and I mean "perhaps once every year at most" often.
This time was for fleas, which are an issue when one has indoor cats, though I have done it before because the cat's fur just All three dislike being bathed with the heat of ten thousand firey suns, so this isn't fun for any of us. The pet shops sell special soaps for cats- several varieties, depending on if you're doing it for fleas or to make the coat look better.
I'll check those blogs out...thanks for mentioning them.
gimpy mumpy
hope this one works! Sorry about that.
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