Sunday, October 08, 2006

A pain in the....

One of the less endearing aspects of fibromyalgia is its habit of amplifying pain from other sources.

As I have congenitally loose joints, I am forever putting things slightly out, especially if I have been reaching, bending, heaving things know, acting like a normal person. Yesterday I spent an hour bent over the bathtub, reaching, contorting myself in strange ways, all in the process of washing our three cats. (They have forgiven me now. Mostly.) I woke up today, sat up on the edge of the bed, and stood up and found out that I had strained a muscle in my gluteal region, and my hamstrings too.

Sitting hurts. Standing hurts. Walking...I am very nearly dragging one leg, because in walking my calf on that side gets into the act. I therefore got very little done of what I had planned to do today. Still, I got one box of miscellaneous crap sorted out and mostly put away, and some laundry put away. I did not get my hair colored, which rather annoys me. I prefer to be a redhead instead of a brunette, because otherwise I look as if I'm trying to go Goth.

Ah well. Perhaps tomorrow morning if I bat my eyelashes and make my husband waffles he will be willing to put the color on my head for me and save my shoulders.


Blogger Sid Schwab said...

Alexandra: thanks for stopping by my blog and for your excellent and heartfelt comment. (I responded over there, too.)

I'd think waffles would do it, all right.

10:10 AM  

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