Sunday, January 21, 2007

Five Things About Me

Tagged by Charles, I will meme.

Five things about me.

1) I have webbed toes. 2 and 3, to the last joint out. It's a dominant trait in my mother's family, and I will admit that one of the first things I did when each of my sons was born was to check and see if he had webbed toes.

2)I do not eat white sauces. I think I had bad mayonnaise at four or something, but it is a powerful, irrational food aversion. No mayonnaise. No tartar sauce. No cream or yogurt based salad dressings. Now, I can eat veloute sauces and white gravies fine. Apparently my brain tags them as something different.

3) I managed to get pregnant seven times in six years. My tubes, thank all the gods, are now tied.

4) Unlike most Americans, I have a pell and a forge in my back yard.

5) I can read the average mystery novel in forty minutes. But if I do it too often in a row I come out the other end a bit drunk and need to do something else for a while to get my head back in order.

Not quite dead

No, I'm not quite dead. Still kicking nicely, in fact.

I don't find Blogger as intuitive to blog to as, say Livejournal. So a lot of my daily stuff goes there.

So. Update.

Ear has settled down. (Also consonant with a vestibular something attack)So I am not taking pills but I'm not throwing them away either. Nor am I taking them out of my purse.

In the principle of always having something go wrong, my spine did. It required the attentions of a chiropractor, and said attentions are still continuing on a twice-weekly basis.

And in December, Bear's Honda died in a rather spectacular fashion. With me in it. Around midnight, not anywhere near walking distance to my home. It is now sitting in the driveway waiting for us to pay the man to drag it to the junkyard. We have a new van, since Bear does not trust mine to go the places it needs to.

And right now it has finally snowed and is quite cold and so I hurt vaguely all over and don't want to do anything except sit here and hold my feet over the heat vent and write. Which wouldn't be a problem except I do rather need to do laundry. (sigh)

Where's a magic wand when you need one? I wouldn't mind doing it so much if the laundry would carry itself up and down the stairs.... and fold itself and hang itself away....